torsdag 23 januari 2014

Chapter 1.2: Finders Cheaters

Let's pick up, where we left off. Haylie decided to visit the cinema and treat herself with a movienight. Her friend and co-worker Thornton showed up and sat down beside her during the whole movie, holding his hand on her thigh. 

After the movie ended they both walked outside, not saying a word. Haylie thought she could sneak away while Thornton wasn't looking, but before she got the chance, Thornton sneaked up behind her. 
- Haylie, wait up! he said with a smile on his lips.

She turned around and asked him what he was up to. He told her that he had been interested in her since she first set her foot in the office. Haylie asked him about his wife, whom he was still married to. Morgana Wolff. 

Thornton told Haylie about his commitment issues and that he dislikes children, he just wants to have some fun. And preferably with Haylie. 

As they are standing there flirting away, not caring about poor Morgana, she shows up, furious. Thornton decides to end it there, on the spot. 

Even though Haylie becomes furious with Thorntons behaviour, her body is telling her something else. Tick-tock goes the biological clock. She makes out with him and asks him if he wants to be her boyfriend. Thornton can't refuse this offer from a young hot blond.

Will they stay together or will Thorntons commitment issues become a bigger problem than she expected? And how can Haylie's bloodline continue to flow if he dislikes children?

Find out in the next chapter.

Chapter 1: All by yourself

Let's start from the beginning. 

The sim above here is Haylie Forest, she's a young adult that just moved out from her parents living in Strangetown. Strangetown was just filled with bad memories from her childhood and both her mum and dad were alcoholics, so she decided to move far away from their reach. 

Haylie have always had big ambitions and decided that she wanted a big lot to build a big house on. But just after she had signed the papers on the big lot, she remebered that she was a bit short on cash. 
- Well, I will have to work this out, won't I? she thought for herself as she arrived with the taxi to her lot.


She couldn't afford that big house that she craved, she couldn't even afford a house, just a tiny wall, a bed, refridgerator, stove, counter, toilet and a sink. It's not even close to a house. But all the better was the view, from this lot you could see the whole town. 

- Well I sure hope that this town can offer me a career atleast.. She muttered as she looked around. 

Haylie's lifetime wish was to become a CEO of a megacorporation, so a career was next on the list, now that she had got her "dream house".

She went downtown and started to look around for employers, who actually were pretty hard to find. Then suddenly she walked up to a high-rise building and looked at the sign. It was a buisness office, finally. She went inside and if she thought the building looked high-end at the look of the outside, she was sure to have her heart stopped as she walked through the door. Luxury as far as the eye could see, she should have worn her buisness suit she got before she moved, jeans and a tanktop sure wasn't high-end. 

An hour went by before she came back outside. 

She actually got the job, a simple job with minimum wage, but atleast it was a job in which she got to bring the CEO and the other bigshots at the company coffee, maybe she could nestle her way in slowly with them.

She immidiatly called her best and only friend she had left from Strangetown, Amelia, and told her the good news. Amelia told Haylie of, telling her that everyone in Strangetown thought she was a wierdo that moved away. Haylie hanged up on Amelia before she could continue with the bullying. 

Disappionted but glad at the same time she went home and watched the sunset from her "home". 

Living really poorly wasn't easy for Haylie, even though her parents were really poor, they always had roof over their head and a table to eat at. Haylie had to eat her sallad, sitting on the toilet. 
- If only I could afford a table and maybe a shower, then life would be so much easier. 

As she was far away in dreamland, a wild horse was not that far away, in fact it was really close, running around her bed in the middle of the night. Sleeping under the stars may sound kind of romantic and all, but having a wild horse stampeding around your bed when you have to work the next day, is not that romantic.

- Rise and shine, she muttered the next morning when the alarm went off. 

She went to work for the first time ever, dreaming of being promoted. Unfortunately she wasn't promoted the first day, maybe because she slept through some of her workhours. 
- Blame the horse, she thought. 

As the days passed, and paychecks started rolling in, she could finally afford a really cheap shower. Even though it wasn't so pleasant taking a shower when the mailman came by, atleast she didn't have to smell like dirty socks to work. 

The shower proved effective the next day as she got promoted and with the bonus she got, she could buy a table and two chairs, and also a bookshelf, reading would help her get through the days.

Haylie was acctually getting really lonley, something she had never experienced before. She had always liked being on her own, but now she didn't have anyone at all. Well her co-workers ofcourse, but she craved something more, maybe the embrace of a lover? 

She went to the library, not the best place to flirt maybe, but Haylie had always been a loner, never been kissed or anything, so she thought of the place where she felt safe, and went there. Maybe she could find a guy there? And if she didn't, she could bury her nose in some of the books she had been craving but couldn't afford to buy herself. 

Well, the flirting started really bad. As soon as she walked through the doors she dived in to a bookcase and grabbed the first book she could see. She sat there, reading for some hours. 

Then she looked up whilie she was turning the page and saw someone, a guy someone. Quite a handsome guy actually. She grabbed all the courage she could and walked up to him.

He looked dreamy from a distance, but up close he was so much more than dreamy, he was perfect. The two started chatting away and she thought they was really hitting it of, until he told her about his girlfriend.... and family. Embarrased she said goodbye and walked away.

She went home and didn't go downtown for days, she just focused on working, all she thought she was good at. And maybe she was kinda good, because she got promoted.

She decided to treat herself with an expensive dinner at the restaurant downtown. The place was really exclusive and she had to wear her formal dress. 

After walking outside of the restaurant she decided to treat herself with a movie also. 

She quietly sat down in the cinema, and during the commercials before the movie started she felt a hand on her shoulder. It was her collegue from work, Thornton Wolff. He said something charming and sat down beside her. Thornton and Haylie were best friends at work, but they had never spoken to each other outside of the office. 

During the whole movie he had his hand on her thigh, and as the girl who had never been touched or kissed, she felt the butterflies. How could she feel something like that for Thornton, he was a bit older than her and she had always just thought of him as a friend. 

How will it continue? Will Thornton make a move on her? Will she fall in love with him or will their relationship ruin her career?

Find out in the next chapter.