tisdag 8 april 2014

Chapter 3.3: The need for a daddy

Bernice decorated the twins room as a fairytale, a gender neutral room for the two of them. She was now a mother of three, even though she had only expected one, she was happier than ever. 

Now all she needed was Gaston, and soon he would be here with her. 

Six months after their birth, she went down to France to surprise her love. 

She remebered the old road that lead to his remote located house, it took her a couple of hours by foot to reach the old cottage. 

She rang the doorbell and there stood his ex-wife, greeting her, not remebering who Bernice was. They both stood there, confused until Gaston walked by behind his ex-wife. All scenarios went through Bernice's head, had he gone back to his wife? Was this all an act?

Gaston threw his arms around Bernice kissing both her cheeks. His ex-wife laughed "Ah, you must be Bernice!", she took Bernice's hand in her hand and congratulated Bernice for the twins. 

Bernice had no idea about what was going on, and Gaston noticed this and tried to explain it all to her. 

Since they got divorced, his ex-wife stayed in his house, first until she would find someplace else to live, but after a couple of months, Gaston decided that she and his son could stay in the house, since he was about to move to Bernice. As the time went by, they started to live like roomates. 

Bernice just stood there, the entire time, nodding, trying to understand. But after a while she blurted out "You slept with her, didn't you?!". Gaston gasped and explained that his ex-wife had gotten a boyfriend a month after the divorce. She wasn't interested in Gaston. 

With his ex-wife confirming the information, Bernice felt at ease. She stayed with him in the house for a couple of days before they traveled back home. 

Gaston was the best father she could have asked for, for her little babies. He didn't only take care of the twins, he also took care of Celia, treating her as one of his own children. 

Soon it was birthday time, for both Peter and Edmund, and Cameron and Chelsea. 

The older pair of twins were now young adults. 

While the younger pair had just aged into toddlers. 

They are such cuties. 

With the house full of toddlers, the boys decided that it was time for them to move out and get a place of their own. They didn't want Bernice to bear the burden of putting food on the table for all of them. In the middle of the night after having a long discussion with Bernice, she agreed to letting them move out. 

After all, they had almost been like her own children since thier parents died while they were still in thier teens. 

They borrowed a car from a friend and took of, telling Bernice that it was going to be fine. Bernice had her doubts, but it was time for them to leave the nest. 

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