tisdag 8 april 2014

Chapter 3.4: Childrens play

Even though Gaston was a stay-at-home-dad, Bernice tried to spend as much time as she could with the children. Gaston had offered her to help with an income, but her wage was big enough for all of them, and his english wasn't to good, so she told him that it would be better if he stayed with the children. 

One evening after Bernice got home from work, it was time for Celias birthday, all day she had been bothering Gaston about the cake, how much she longed for it and that she wanted to blow out her candles straight away. Gaston was luckily equipped with such a good temper, he didn't let Celia command him to do as she wanted, he kept her busy all day, giving her different tasks so that she would forget about the cake til' Bernice would come home. 

Celia loved animal prints, Bernice knew this and bought her a new dress for her birthday as a surprise. It looked really good with her skincolor. Bernice hoped that the other kids would be nice to her, but feared the worst since Celia was alot different from the other kids. 

But Celia was still a normal kid, even though she had green hair, green skin and black eyes, she decorated her room with light pink furniture and unicorns.

The children went along really well, sometimes they played together all three but mostly it was just Cameron and Chelsea. 

Celia had her mind set on figuring out what she was going to do when she was aging up into an adult, she was really independent. 

For a couple of weeks, she tried her luck with the childrens baking oven, hoping that she would become such a great baker as the one she saw on tv one day. 

The parents tried their best to raise their children. They would spend every minute of Bernice's freetime as a family. But she didn't have that much freetime when aiming for the top. She often got called down to the station to review some evidence or interrogate a criminal. 

Celia was still trying to find out what she was going to be. After a couple of months in school, a kid came up to her telling her that she was an alien. Celia got really confused by that kid and told him that she wasn't, but after that rumour started she had a hard time playing with the other kids, they all avoided her, whispering behind her back. 

One day she had enough and went home to her mother asking her why they treated her like an alien, when she was Bernice's and Gaston's kid. "I'm not an alien! she yelled, furious at her mother. 

Bernice felt that it was time to tell her the truth, she told her everything, about Oxqa, how he betrayed Bernice and then suddenly died, how she met Gaston and how he became Celias father. And most importantly, she told her about her being half an alien. 

Suddenly everything became clear for Celia, she hugged her mother and promised that she would continue to love Gaston as her father. Celia now felt at ease, she was an alien, but she didn't care, she had the best parents and so what if she was an alien, she atleast looked alot cooler than the other kids. 

After her talk with Celia, Bernice felt at ease with life. Finally she had had the talk with Celia and she was fine, Celia was fine. 

The twins aged up alone one evening, Chelsea was really shy and didn't want to bother anyone. Cameron agreed with her and did as she asked. 

With the kids aging up, it was time to redecorate their room. 

It's all fun and games now, with a house full of playfull kids, but soon, things are going to change, soon there will be teenagers ruling this house. 

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