fredag 28 februari 2014

Chapter 1.8: The pitter-patter of tiny feet

Even though Thornton didn't want Collin, or any babies at all, he still wanted to hold him, just one time, but he did it without Haylie knowing, he went to feed him a bottle while Haylie was sleeping one time, she would never know about it though. Thornton took his time with Collin and put him down after he had pleased his every need. He loved Collin, but he didn't want to care for a baby, this one time was enough for him.

The days went by quickly and Collin was a really nice boy who enjoyed looking at things, he didn't need much care even though Haylie made sure she would always have him in her lap or arms, she needed him. 

One night after Collin had fallen asleep the couple decided to have some grown-up fun. It was the day before Thorntons birtday and Haylie made sure to treat him well. After all he had given her the baby she longed for. 

Thorntons birthday came and went by quickly, he didn't want to make a big fuss about it so they just celebrated the three of them.

A few days later it was Collins turn to age up. Collin turned out to be a bit absent-minded when he started to move around, he often crawled right in to walls and would always play by himself, quietly in the corner. 

But Haylie made sure she would teach him everything she possibly knew and gave him his full attention. Haylie used up every little bit of her maternity-leave. She didn't want to miss a moment of his life. 

When she started to teach him talk Haylie came to realise that her son wasn't only absent minded, he was also a genius. He learned everything quickly.

It took Haylie with surprise to find out one day that she were pregnant, she didn't have many years left of her adulthood and didn't think she would be lucky enough to get pregnant once more. 

But the new pregnancy wasn't going to stop her or slow her down, she still gave Collin her full attention and made sure that he would have the best childhood.

Thornton rose during Haylies pregnancy, he loved seeing his wife so full of life. He would often take care of her and tell her how much he loved her. Still, he didn't help any with Collin, but Haylie had started to see herself as a single mother and she didn't care that he didn't help, she still had the most beautiful boy and she would soon give him a sister/brother to play with and love.

Collin didn't seem to interested in having a brother or sister, but he was still a child, he didn't really understand. But if it was something that he was interested in, it was his toy that he had gotten in the mail one day. He would sit for hours with the doll on the floor, singing to it and playing with it. 

Soon it was time for Haylie to give birth, they called a friend who could babysit Connor and went to the hospital.

Haylie gave birth to another beautiful kid, this time it was the girl that she had hoped for. The labour didn't take to long, just like the last time. Haylie named the girl Aimee, she now hoped that Aimee and Aimees future children would continue to name their daughters after the alphabet. She thought that it would be a nice tradition for the family to hold on to. 

Chapter 1.7: New love

It didn't take Haylie long before she knew that she had been right. She went out to buy a pregnancy test after Thornton had fallen asleep, and it was positive. She decided to not tell Thornton yet, she didn't want him to yell at her for being pregnant. But Haylie couldn't help her happy thoughts, finally a baby in her belly.

Even though Haylie had started showing Thornton had no idea about what was going on, he just saw his wife being tired and depressed, he tried his best to win back her trust and he treated her really well. He gave her massages talked to her and gave her his attention. They started to fall in love with each other all over again. And Haylie felt that she needed to tell him, she was halfway through the pregnancy and needed all the support she could get.

Thorntons reaction was surprising, he jumped with joy and started feeling Haylies tummy. He told her that he had known all this time and he confessed about the birthcontrol pills also. He also told her that he didn't want anything to do with the baby, he could be the babys father, but he could never love the baby. He hated babies, but he wanted his wife to be happy.

Thornton treated Haylie with expensive spa-days and the love between the two had never been stronger.

Then the day came for Haylie to give birth. Haylie had longed for a traditional home-birth, but when it was time, Thornton freaked out and drove his wife to the hospital. The whole situation frightened him, what if Haylie was hurt and he would have to care for the baby. He couldn't live with that.

Haylie gave birth to a beautiful babyboy that she named Collin. She had hoped for a girl, because she wanted her heir to be a girl, but she didn't care anymore, Collin was the most beautiful creature she had ever seen. The delivery went by easily and just took a couple of hours, the sun didn't even rise before it was over. Thornton was with her all the time, but he didn't want to hold Collin, but Haylie saw a tear running down his cheek the moment they put Collin on her chest.  

onsdag 12 februari 2014

Chapter 1.6: Check mate

Where we left of Haylie had just found out about her husband secretly drugging her with birth control pills, for god knows how long. 

Haylie knew straight away after finding the bottle that she needed revenge. That night they wohoo'd together and Haylie couldn't help to fall asleep with a smile on her face. She hoped that this little activity could lead to a baby. A baby that she craved more than anything.

Thornton on the other hand was not so happy with what was going on, he had realised that Haylie was no longer drinking anything that he poured up to her or offered her. He thought that she maybe was onto him, but he hoped that all these years of having birth control still would prevent Haylie from getting pregnant, and also she was middleaged now. The chances of concieving a baby where not as big as they once were.

Even though this little silent war was going on between the two of them, Thornton still managed to get promoted. The couple now lived more in silence than ever before. And it was wearing them down.

Haylie always sat in the front seat these days, making sure that Thornton wouldn't have a chance to talk to her. He needed to be punished, but Haylie also wanted babies that could continue the legacy, and without Thornton it would be even harder to get those precious babies. 

Or maybe it wasn't hard at all? Two months later Haylie found herself puking her guts out in the bathroom, maybe she was pregnant?

And if she were pregnant, how would Thornton handle it? Could she also be picky now about having a girl for the heir, maybe this was her only chance at getting pregnant. Maybe she needed to change the heir rule? Altough she had always dreamed of having a little girl walking in her shoes one day.

tisdag 11 februari 2014

Chapter 1.5: Changing the rules

The days passes by and Haylie is not getting pregnant, she only has some weeks left to her birthday when she is turning into an adult. She can't simply understand what's wrong with her. She and Thornton spend almost every night in the bedroom, another thing it seemed that they had in common. 

Soon it was Haylie and Thorntons anniversary for their weddingday. The sat down and ate breakfast together, Haylie finally decided to tell Thornton about her worries, that she couldn't get pregnant. 

When she brings it up, Thornton looks really suspicios, then he turns his head away from Haylie.
- Why dn't I treat you with dinner tonight honey? To celebrate our anniversary? He smirks.

Even though Haylie was wondering about his suspicious face when she told him, she still thought it was nice of him to treat her with dinner. So after work he pulls out a blindfold and leads Haylie... Across the street? To the cheap diner where Haylie often had her lunch. This was not a treat, she had thought that he would treat her to the bistro, but no.

The whole evening Haylie sat quiet, first his expression, now this, what was going to be next, she wondered.

Haylie filled her days with work and cooking, as soon as she stopped and was still, she would burst out in tears, she still thought it was her body that couldn't make her pregnant. She coulnd't stand her own thoughts. She wanted to have children now, preferrably yesterday. 

With just a couple of weeks left to her birthday she finally get's that promotion at work that she's been longing for. 

The promotion came with a bonus so big and with Thornton being even higher up in the corporate ladder she decides that they have enough money to have some work done on the house. They add another wing to the house.

Even though they have a really big house now, they can't afford to put furniture in every room. But they don't care, because they have the new wing sealed of til there's time and money to furnish it. 

Right after the builders have left the lot, it's time for Haylie to celebrate her birthday. Her first birtday in this house. 

Haylie don't want a big party, so it's just the two of them, or at first it's just her. Thornton shows up, late as usual. He tries to offer Haylie something to drink, she have no idea why though so she turns down his offer. 

When she blows out her candles she can se Thorton walking away muttering about something, in the corner of her eye. 

She ages into a fine middelaged beauty. She knew that Thornton soon would leave her, now that she was getting older, so she needed to win back his love, once and for all. 

Her hard work is noticable now in her face, the wrinkles are starting to show and her face looks worn. 

Her hair is not doing the trick either, so she decides to go and fix it up a bit in the bathroom. 

Then she finds something rather odd. An used up bottle of Birth control pills lying in the trash. She picks up the bottle and reads the label. Thorntons friend had prescribed these. Was Thorton drugging her with birth control pills every day, and have he been doing that for the last couple of years or since they met? Stonefaced she looks at herself in the mirror. If he was playing dirty, she was sure going to play dirty as well. Today she had not had anything to drink that Thornton had offered her. She also knew that if she was going to suggest wohoo, he wouldn't deny her. If he would, he would ruin his little scheme. 

Now the rules have changed and Haylie was sure going to play the game, the game her husband had been playing all these years without her knowing. 

Chapter 1.4: Rebuilding

The first happy newlywed days was soon over, maybe to soon. All the couple did was to watch tv and talk about work, the only thing they seemed to have in common.

Suddenly one day Thornton comes home with an expensive car he told Haylie that he had spend his last savings on. 65000 dollars was the car worth. 

Haylie is furious with Thornton, so she rips the keys out of his pocket, and drives the car back to the carseller and gets all his money back, now resting in her pocket. 

They were a married couple, who was supposed to know about all the money they had. Not that he had a seperate account, with a lot of money in and decides to spend them on a car. 

No way she was gonna let him do that to her, to them. She takes a taxi back to the house where Thornton is standing in the doorway. She pushes him out of the way and runs in to pack some bags, Thorton can't believe that he's getting kicked out for buying a car. 

When Haylie comes back out of the bedroom it seems that she has packed for both of them, Thornton now thought that she thought they should spend their money on an expensive vacation. 

She picks up her phone and calls up a building company. They were gonna rebuild the house.

They decide that they are gonna come by every day to check up on the builders. 

Soon the house is finished. A simple two story house with a front porch and white wood paneling. 

Haylie likes a modern style so the house has a beautiful modern finish on the inside. With lots of black and white. 

The couple is so happy about their new house that they decide to take a couple of days of work to spend some time in the bed. Sure their boss wouldn't mind. Haylie didn't refuse the offer either because she thought this could lead to a baby. 

Now Haylie had almost everything that she wanted, all that was missing now was the pitter-patter of tiny feet. But she would soon change that also. 

Chapter 1.3: Home sweet home

The days went by and soon Haylie could afford to build walls around her furniture, she was even able to meet up with a demolisher who had salvaged some wood flooring, finally she had her own home. Even though she still couldn't afford to paint the walls, it was still home to her. 

The modest one-room house was kind of cute in Haylis eyes and she wished that she would soon be able to rebuild the house and hear the sound of tiny feet running around. 

That made Haylie think of her boyfriend, Thornton. Despite his wierd way and behaviour she still liked him alot and she knew that she was determined to have kids, therefor she could not wait to long before finding her one true love. She knew that she needed to hook up with Thornton. 

As he arrived on the lot she ran out and threw herself on her knees, pulled out a cheap ring she could barely afford and uttered the words. "Will you marry me, Thornton". She thought it would be best to just throw it out there, no waiting needed. If he didn't want to marry her, he didn't, time couldn't fix that. 

To her surprise, Thorton jumped with joy at her proposal. He could not believe his eyes, this young hot thing wanted to be with him that was much older than her. He didn't care about his commitment issues, he was gonna get laid, frequently, now that they were engaged. 

Right after they had recovered from the proposal Haylie bursts out "Why don't we get married here on the spot then?". Thornton laughs and nods happily. 

Now they were a happy married couple, or were they? Haylie was soon going to find out, that Thornton maybe couldn't provide her with children. He disliked children more than anything. 

They desided that he would move in with Haylie, she loved her lot and didn't want to live in his and Morganas old house, even though it was beautiful. To much old stuff there. 

With him he brings a couple of thousands, so that they were able to put some paint on the walls and build a bedroom. 

Life was just starting for this happy couple. Who decided to concieve their marriage later that evening.

Was it love or was there something else holding this couple together? And what will this little encounter in bed lead to?