tisdag 11 februari 2014

Chapter 1.5: Changing the rules

The days passes by and Haylie is not getting pregnant, she only has some weeks left to her birthday when she is turning into an adult. She can't simply understand what's wrong with her. She and Thornton spend almost every night in the bedroom, another thing it seemed that they had in common. 

Soon it was Haylie and Thorntons anniversary for their weddingday. The sat down and ate breakfast together, Haylie finally decided to tell Thornton about her worries, that she couldn't get pregnant. 

When she brings it up, Thornton looks really suspicios, then he turns his head away from Haylie.
- Why dn't I treat you with dinner tonight honey? To celebrate our anniversary? He smirks.

Even though Haylie was wondering about his suspicious face when she told him, she still thought it was nice of him to treat her with dinner. So after work he pulls out a blindfold and leads Haylie... Across the street? To the cheap diner where Haylie often had her lunch. This was not a treat, she had thought that he would treat her to the bistro, but no.

The whole evening Haylie sat quiet, first his expression, now this, what was going to be next, she wondered.

Haylie filled her days with work and cooking, as soon as she stopped and was still, she would burst out in tears, she still thought it was her body that couldn't make her pregnant. She coulnd't stand her own thoughts. She wanted to have children now, preferrably yesterday. 

With just a couple of weeks left to her birthday she finally get's that promotion at work that she's been longing for. 

The promotion came with a bonus so big and with Thornton being even higher up in the corporate ladder she decides that they have enough money to have some work done on the house. They add another wing to the house.

Even though they have a really big house now, they can't afford to put furniture in every room. But they don't care, because they have the new wing sealed of til there's time and money to furnish it. 

Right after the builders have left the lot, it's time for Haylie to celebrate her birthday. Her first birtday in this house. 

Haylie don't want a big party, so it's just the two of them, or at first it's just her. Thornton shows up, late as usual. He tries to offer Haylie something to drink, she have no idea why though so she turns down his offer. 

When she blows out her candles she can se Thorton walking away muttering about something, in the corner of her eye. 

She ages into a fine middelaged beauty. She knew that Thornton soon would leave her, now that she was getting older, so she needed to win back his love, once and for all. 

Her hard work is noticable now in her face, the wrinkles are starting to show and her face looks worn. 

Her hair is not doing the trick either, so she decides to go and fix it up a bit in the bathroom. 

Then she finds something rather odd. An used up bottle of Birth control pills lying in the trash. She picks up the bottle and reads the label. Thorntons friend had prescribed these. Was Thorton drugging her with birth control pills every day, and have he been doing that for the last couple of years or since they met? Stonefaced she looks at herself in the mirror. If he was playing dirty, she was sure going to play dirty as well. Today she had not had anything to drink that Thornton had offered her. She also knew that if she was going to suggest wohoo, he wouldn't deny her. If he would, he would ruin his little scheme. 

Now the rules have changed and Haylie was sure going to play the game, the game her husband had been playing all these years without her knowing. 

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