onsdag 12 februari 2014

Chapter 1.6: Check mate

Where we left of Haylie had just found out about her husband secretly drugging her with birth control pills, for god knows how long. 

Haylie knew straight away after finding the bottle that she needed revenge. That night they wohoo'd together and Haylie couldn't help to fall asleep with a smile on her face. She hoped that this little activity could lead to a baby. A baby that she craved more than anything.

Thornton on the other hand was not so happy with what was going on, he had realised that Haylie was no longer drinking anything that he poured up to her or offered her. He thought that she maybe was onto him, but he hoped that all these years of having birth control still would prevent Haylie from getting pregnant, and also she was middleaged now. The chances of concieving a baby where not as big as they once were.

Even though this little silent war was going on between the two of them, Thornton still managed to get promoted. The couple now lived more in silence than ever before. And it was wearing them down.

Haylie always sat in the front seat these days, making sure that Thornton wouldn't have a chance to talk to her. He needed to be punished, but Haylie also wanted babies that could continue the legacy, and without Thornton it would be even harder to get those precious babies. 

Or maybe it wasn't hard at all? Two months later Haylie found herself puking her guts out in the bathroom, maybe she was pregnant?

And if she were pregnant, how would Thornton handle it? Could she also be picky now about having a girl for the heir, maybe this was her only chance at getting pregnant. Maybe she needed to change the heir rule? Altough she had always dreamed of having a little girl walking in her shoes one day.

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