fredag 28 februari 2014

Chapter 1.8: The pitter-patter of tiny feet

Even though Thornton didn't want Collin, or any babies at all, he still wanted to hold him, just one time, but he did it without Haylie knowing, he went to feed him a bottle while Haylie was sleeping one time, she would never know about it though. Thornton took his time with Collin and put him down after he had pleased his every need. He loved Collin, but he didn't want to care for a baby, this one time was enough for him.

The days went by quickly and Collin was a really nice boy who enjoyed looking at things, he didn't need much care even though Haylie made sure she would always have him in her lap or arms, she needed him. 

One night after Collin had fallen asleep the couple decided to have some grown-up fun. It was the day before Thorntons birtday and Haylie made sure to treat him well. After all he had given her the baby she longed for. 

Thorntons birthday came and went by quickly, he didn't want to make a big fuss about it so they just celebrated the three of them.

A few days later it was Collins turn to age up. Collin turned out to be a bit absent-minded when he started to move around, he often crawled right in to walls and would always play by himself, quietly in the corner. 

But Haylie made sure she would teach him everything she possibly knew and gave him his full attention. Haylie used up every little bit of her maternity-leave. She didn't want to miss a moment of his life. 

When she started to teach him talk Haylie came to realise that her son wasn't only absent minded, he was also a genius. He learned everything quickly.

It took Haylie with surprise to find out one day that she were pregnant, she didn't have many years left of her adulthood and didn't think she would be lucky enough to get pregnant once more. 

But the new pregnancy wasn't going to stop her or slow her down, she still gave Collin her full attention and made sure that he would have the best childhood.

Thornton rose during Haylies pregnancy, he loved seeing his wife so full of life. He would often take care of her and tell her how much he loved her. Still, he didn't help any with Collin, but Haylie had started to see herself as a single mother and she didn't care that he didn't help, she still had the most beautiful boy and she would soon give him a sister/brother to play with and love.

Collin didn't seem to interested in having a brother or sister, but he was still a child, he didn't really understand. But if it was something that he was interested in, it was his toy that he had gotten in the mail one day. He would sit for hours with the doll on the floor, singing to it and playing with it. 

Soon it was time for Haylie to give birth, they called a friend who could babysit Connor and went to the hospital.

Haylie gave birth to another beautiful kid, this time it was the girl that she had hoped for. The labour didn't take to long, just like the last time. Haylie named the girl Aimee, she now hoped that Aimee and Aimees future children would continue to name their daughters after the alphabet. She thought that it would be a nice tradition for the family to hold on to. 

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