lördag 1 mars 2014

Chapter 1.12: Teenagers

Aimee was a beautiful little girl, with some rather odd traits. The traits was soon going to show but right now everyone just saw her as a sweet little girl.

Collin started to enjoy his sisters company, even though Collin realised that she was a bit wierd, offten she would just stare and laugh hysterically. But he liked her and they sure had fun together. 

They even sat with each other on the schoolbus rather than riding with someone else. They didn't have much friends, so it was good for them to have each other.

But the childsplay didn't last long, soon it was time for Collin to age up. Their parents had been to caught up with work and forgot all about his birtday. He didn't care, his sister was there with him atleast, his little wierd kidsister.

Collin aged up into a real hottie, and would have been a heartbreaker if he would have the guts to talk to someone. 

More offten the kids started to see Thornton around the house, he wasn't spending all his time in the studio anymore, it almost seemed like he wanted to be with them.

One thing Collin liked to keep a secret, was his imaginary friend Puzzle. He and Puzzle often hung out in his room, which were still looking childish. His sister didn't even know about Puzzle.

Meantime Haylie spent every weekend with her children, she took Collin out and tought him how to drive and she watched little Aimee enjoying herself on the familys playground. 

Thornton on the other hand didn't enjoy the kids, he tried to give them a fair chance, but every time, it ended with him yelling at the kids for being to loud and annoying. 

And soon they would have another teen full of hormones running around in the house, for it was time for Aimee to age. She and Haylie decided to celebrate alone while Collin had an afterschool activity.

Aimee, much like her brother aged into a cutie also. But the other kids had no interest in her because of her slightly insane ways. Haylie told Aimee straight away about the legacy and that she was going to be the hier. Aimee was a bit naive, so she just said, - no problemo. 

The night of the prom came and they were both fancily dressed up and ready to party. 

But the prom had a sad ending....

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