söndag 2 mars 2014

Chapter 3.1: New life

Aimee started to pick up the pieces of her life and felt that she didn't want to stop Bernice with living her life. She started to paint again and she was more inspired than ever after the death of her husband, she painted so many masterpieces that she could barely count them.

With Aimee finally letting Bernice go, she decided to get a job. She went down to the station and they offered her a job right away. She had to start small, but atleast she had an income.

One day she was out in the garden late at night, she had been watching the city through their telescope. She turned around and jumped high due to her sightings. It was an alien, an alien? He just stood there and watched Bernice. She wasn't afraid she was just faschinated. She asked him what he was doing there. He told her about their endless search for a human to love. She couldn't help but to laugh. When she calmed down he told her that his name was Oxqa Pa'lhaxalic and told her that they would meet again one day. 

The next morning she woke up and was sure that she had been dreaming. She didn't give it much more thought than that. She was focused on her new job. She worked day and night to build up her strenght and cardio, so that she would be able to catch the bad guys. 

The twins were busy working on their music skills and had their mother as their greatest fan. 

A couple of weeks later, Bernice felt the urge to walk outside and when she did she saw a familliar character. It was Oxqa, the alien she thought that she had dreamed about, maybe was this another dream. When she walked up to him he gave her a hasty kiss before saying goodbye to her. He was such a romantic, Bernice thought before going back into the house. 

Her family had no idea about what was going on, she never told them. She wanted him to be her little secret, she thought it was so romantic and exciting. 

But one night the romance was all gone. Bernice were lying in her bed, not being able to sleep, she did not know why and then suddenly she saw a shadowy figure in the corner of her room. Oxqa came out of the shadows and straight into her bed.

A couple of hours later he left, with a big grin on his face, Bernice felt dirty and used, she could never tell anyone about this. 

She tried to forget all about the night with Oxqa and threw her head into working out. 

She worked so hard and starved herself that she would often find herself in the bathroom, throwing up. But after a couple of days throwing up, she realised that it was something else, she went to buy a pregnancy test which showed positive. She was pregnant with an aliens kid. 

She stood in the livingroom all alone for a while until he showed up, she had learned all about his ways now and knew that he would come. Oxqa asked her if she wanted to have some more fun, but Bernice refused, she yelled at him that she was pregnant and he yelled back that he would come and pick up the spawn once it was born. She slapped him hard right across the face. The baby was hers, it had her DNA aswell, that much she knew, she had listened during sex ed. to know this much. 

Oxqa left the house furious. 

The twins continued with their music and didn't care for much, they didn't even realise what was happening with their sister. 

Soon Bernice started showing. Although she didn't want to tell her mother straight away. 

Her mother was busy trying to help Jonathan and Jeannine with their new home, she would go there every day to help them take care of their babyboy Armando. She would teach him to walk and talk.

She also tried to teach Jonathan to cook healthy meals. And would often stay there til' the sun went down. 

One evening when Bernice had just told her mother the news about Oxqa and her pregnancy, her mother lost against death. She wanted to join her husband again and went without a fight. 

The sudden death of their mother was really hard on Bernice, her mother was her only support in the world and now she was all alone. She went into labour one night and din't have time to go to the hospital, she called for her brothers who came rushing, very freaked out but they tried to help her the best they could, and they both threw up a couple of times during the delivery. 

She gave birth to a sweet little greenskinned and blackeyed girl that she named Celia, after the alphabet. 

How was she going to handle being a single mother? Was this a wakeup call for her brothers?

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