söndag 2 mars 2014

Chapter 2.12: Finding love in France

Jonathan didn't waste any time, he booked the next avialable flight and flew to france, he used up his trust fund but felt that it would be worth it. 

He couldn't wait to explore the world and he wanted to start with france, the country that was the capitol of romance. He wanted to find the love of his life, and it seemed easier than he could have hoped for.

When he visited to local café he saw the most beautiful girl. He walked up to her and they started talking, they both seemed like they were into the same kind of stuff and they really hit it off. Her name was Jeannine and she lived here in Champs Les Sims with her dad. 

But when Jonathan leaned in to kiss her, she turned away, she told him that she wanted to find the love of her life, not a one-night-stand. He would have to prove himself before she could accept him.

He hugged her as a friend and he followed her to her fathers house, she told him that he would have to win the trust of her father, who was very old and didn't want to lose his daughter. 

They went inside and met her dad, everything went really well, her father liked hi very much and decided that he could stay the night in the guestroom. Jonathan wanted to prove that he was a true gentleman and stayed the night in the guestroom, even if he was tempted to sneak into her bedroom. The next morning he asked Jeannine out, and she happily followed.

They enjoyed a tasty breakfast and then had a nice stroll along the river. Then suddenly Jonathan went down on his knees and pulled out a ring from his pocket. His mother had given him this before he left, it was his grandmother Haylies old ring and she wanted him to have it to give the love of his life if he would find her in France. 

Jeannine happily screamed YES so loud that whole of europe could hear her. This was what she had waited for for these two days,m even if it was a bit fast she already loved him and he had been a true gentleman not coming on to strong. 

They decided to have a private ceremony at the riverside aswell, this was Jeannines idea, she wanted to come with Jonathan back to his hometown but not before she was married.

Jonathan had a couple of days left in France so they decided to make the most of it, she showed Jonathan all there was to see and enjoy and every time she looked at the ring she would let out a tiny shriek. She couldn't believe her eyes, the ring were so beautiful. 

Talking of beautiful, Jeannine was a french beauty and with a quick makeover you could see it much better. 

The couple sure had a whole bunch of fun, in the same sentance as wohoo. She was his first and he was her first so they had a fun time exploring and learning. Everywhere they would go they made sure to find a place where they could have that fun. 

The last evening they spent with her dad, she knew that this probably were her last time seeing him, as she was going with Jonathan. But her father really liked Jonathan and made sure to give him his blessings. 

When they came home they found someone who liked Jeannine, Aimee loved her and told her that she wanted many grandchildren. Jeannine laughed but hoped the same thing as Aimee, atleast one kid. 

The next day it was time for Jonathan to graduate, his whole family, even his wife Jeannine was there with him to celebrate. He was voted class valedictorian.

Life was sweet but Jeannine suffered from stomach flu which made her distant from the rest of the family. Bernice on the other hand took great care of her baby brothers. She would care for them day and night. She did this if their parents would leave them someday soon, she wanted to be prepared. She was heir and head of the household, well she would be soon atleast. 

Jeannine went to the doctor after a month and a half of stomach flu and the doctor discovered that she was pregnant and already three months gone. She rushed home to tell Joanthan about this. 

Jonathan jumped up and down with happiness and ran around the house telling everyone about it. 

With a baby on the way it was time for the twins to age up into teens.

This is Edmund, his lifetimewish is to become a hit-movie-composer, like his older brother.

This is Peter, he wants to be a rockstar. 

Will Jeannine and Jonathan stay in the house or will they move out?

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