söndag 2 mars 2014

Chapter 2.9: The more, the merrier

The days went by quickly, Alexander played his guitar, Jonathan played dress up and Bernice tried to be freidns with everyone in the family. 

When she felt the baby starting to kick it was time for her to tell her husband. She had kept it a secret for a couple of months now. 

She told Malik the "good" news and that she didn't want more babies. Malik said that this would be her last baby, he said that he would go and visit the doctor to get castrated. He wanted more kids but Aimee was right to be worried, they were only getting older and he didn't want the older kids to have to take care of babies that weren't theirs. He couldn't help to feel happy, he was going to father to another baby.

One day Malik came home, and he was looking dizzy, he had been to the doctor already without telling Aimee, at first she was angry, but realised that this is what she wanted. Sha comforted Malik and told him that he was a great father, better than anyone else. Malik stayed hom for a couple of days before going back to work.

Then it was time for Alexanders prom, he didn't know many kids. He just played his guitar all the time, he didn't care about others. The prom was not a big deal for him, but it was a big deal for Aimee, her kids were growing. 

Malik went back to work the same day as Aimees labour started. She had been at spa all day treating herself when she started to feel the contractions. 

She went home and gave birth to TWO beautiful boys, two?! She didn't want to have any more kids, now she had two more kids. Two more mouths to feed. She was happy for having such beautiful children but sad at the same time. She named them Edmund and Peter, after the main characters in Narnia. 

Jonathan and Bernice were the best of friends, spending every day with each other. One day while playing in the tree house, it was time for Jonathan to age.

He grew into a handsome suntanned boy. 

Alexander started his love life with falling in love with a much older woman, she was a couple of years younger than Aimee. Kristin was her name. Alexander loved having a girlfriend. He would serenade her with lovesongs and take silly copules photos with his cell. 

Malik tried to talk Alexander out of the relationship, knowing that Kirstin was probably just using him, why would a middelaged woman be interested in a highschool boy? Because they run high on hormones ofcourse, she wanted a passionate lover. But Alexander ensured his dad that it was love and they couldn't force him to break up with her, they just had to settle for it, even if they didn't like it.

The twins grew up into toddlers, and once again Aimee had her hands full with diapers and bottles. She didn't have much time left over for her painting. She was happy that Malik provided for them now that she didn't make any money. Edmund is above and Peter under.

Aimee thought she were blessed with such healthy and loving kids. She felt at ease now with having all her five kids, even though the last two of them weren't expected. 

Bernice was such a lovely girl who didn't want to bother anyone, she aged up all by herself, not to disturb anyone. She grew into a lovely teenager who could break many hearts. 

Now they had three teenagers in school and two toddlers, how was life going to turn out for all the children? And since Bernice is the only girl, will Aimee let the legacy continue with her or will she choose one of her boys? 

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