söndag 2 mars 2014

Chapter 2.11: Life as we know it

For months Aimee stayed in and didn't talk to anyone, Malik and her had seperate bedrooms in the house and didn't talk with each other. But Aimee did come out for her birthday and her kids were thrilled, finally their mother was there again, Bernice had been taking care of everything while her mother and father was away.

Aimee had all her cuteness left after turning into an elder, she looked cute and loving. 

After she had celebrated Malik came down the stairs, he decided to celebrate his birthday aswell. Aimee and the maid cheered him on. All bad that had happened between the two of them were now forgotten. Alexander was somewhere far away from them and if he wanted to he would contact them.

Malik as an elder.

With Aimee and Malik back in buisness, Bernice could enjoy her teenage life once more, going to prom and having fun. She really enjoyed life and felt blessed. Her brother on the other hand, had become quite obsessed with working out, every day and sometimes during night, you could find him in the family gym. 

Aimee could once again focus on her paintings with all her children going to school she would spend the days in front of her canvases. And she painted masterpiece, after masterpiece. 

Jonathan didn't want to make a fuss about his birthday so he celebrated alone, just like he had done when aging up to a teen. 

He grew into a nice young man, looking very much like his mother. Now he had to decide, would he continue to live in the house, helping with an income or would he move out on his own?

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